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Inserts / Messages
Extremely rare View of Masjid al-Nabawi, Medina-1850
An Old Photo of Medina and Masjid al-Nabawi
A View of Medina, Masjid al-Nabawi in Foreground
Another View of Masjid-an-Nabawi
Clouds Over Masjid al-Nabawi, Medina
Masjid al-Nabawi during Rain
Another Night View of Masjid al-Nabawi, Medina. Roof top of Masjid al-Nabawi.
A Door of Masjid al-Nabawi
Jannat ul-Baqi. Jannat ul-Baqi is a cemetery in Medina, adjacent to Masjid al-Nabawi. It contains many of Prophet Muhammad’s relatives and companions. On May 1st 1925, mausoleums in Jannat ul-Baqii were demolished by King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia despite protests by the international Islamic community.
Jannat ul-Baqii Before Demolition of 1925 by King Ibn Saud
Masjid al-Quba. The Quba Mosque (Masjid al-Quba or Qubaâ Masjid) in Medina, is the oldest mosque in the world. Its first stones were positioned by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on his emigration from Mecca to Medina and the mosque was completed by his companions. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to go there every Saturday and offer a two rak’â prayer. He advised others to do the same, saying, “Whoever makes ablutions at home and then goes and prays in the Mosque of Quba, he will have a reward like that of an Umrah. This hadith is reported by Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Al-Nisaâi, Ibn Majah and Hakim al-Nishaburi.
Masjid al-Qiblatain, Madina. Masjid al-Qiblatain (Mosque of the two Qiblas) is a mosque in Medina in which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), while leading the prayer was commanded by Allah to change the direction of prayer (qibla) from Jerusalem to Mecca. Thus it uniquely contained two prayer niches (mihrabs). Recently the mosque was renovated, removing the old prayer niche facing Jerusalem and leaving the one facing Mecca. The Qiblatain Mosque is among the three earliest mosques in Islamic history, along with Quba Mosque and Masjid an-Nabawi.
Masjid Al Ghamama, Madina. Masjid Al Ghamama is located next to the Masjid al-Nabawi in Madina.The word ghamam in Arabic means clouds. This mosque has been given this name because it is the place where the Prophet (pbuh) prayed for rainfall after which it rained profusely.This mosque was built on the place where Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to perform Salat Al-Eid and Salat Al-Istesqaâ for a long time.
Ghazwa-e-Badr was Fought Here. The Ghazwa-e-Badr (Battle of Badr) was fought on 17 Ramadan, 2 AH (13 March, 624 AD) at the wells of Badr, 80 miles (130 km) southwest of Medina. It was fought between the Muslims and pagans of Mecca whose strength was three times larger than the poorly equipped Muslim Army. It was a decisive victory for Muslims with divine help. This battle is also mentioned in the Quran.The Quran describes the force of the Muslim attack in many verses, which refer to thousands of angels descending from Heaven at Badr to terrify the Quraish. It proved a milestone in the Prophet’s struggle against his adversaries and paved a way for spread of Islam in the Arabian peninsula.
Site of Ghazwat Badr. Right arrow in the photo shows Al Odoat Al Dunea where the Muslim Camp was located. Middle arrow shows the passage through which convoy of Abu Sufyan passed. Left arrow shows Malaeka Mountain where Angels Jabrael and Mekael were sent by Allah with 1,000 of Malaeka (angels) to help the Muslims against disbelievers.
Water Spring at Badr
Site of Ghazwah Ohod. The Battle of Ohod (Gazwah Ohod) was fought on 03 Shawwal, 3 AH (March 19, 625 A.D.) on the slopes and plains of Mount Ohod (Height: 1,077 m, 3,533 ft) between Muslims of Medina led by Prophet Muhammad, against a force of Meccans led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb. The Meccans wanted to avenge their defeat at Badr.
In the initial battle, the greatly outnumbered Muslims (700 Muslims versus 4,000 Meccans), forced the Meccan Army back, leaving their camp unprotected. When the battle almost looked to be a Muslim victory, a blunder was committed by the Muslim archers, which shifted the result of the battle. A breach of prophet’s orders by the Muslim archers, who left their posts to seek the booty from the Meccan camp, paved the way for a surprise attack from the Meccan cavalry, led by Khalid ibn al-Walid. This attack created disarray and many Muslims were killed. Prophet Muhammad was also injured. After a fierce combat, the Muslims withdrew and regrouped higher up on the slopes of Ohod. The Meccan cavalry was unable to climb the slopes of Ohod, so the fighting stopped. The Prophet gathered his men together, rebuked them for their folly, exhorted them to obey orders in future, and led the chastened Medinese out to face the victorious Meccans once more. He came up with them in the early hours of next morning. When the day dawned, the Meccans were running from battle field and Prophet (pbuh) had turned the defeat into a semi-victory.
The Battle of Ohod was a major setback for the Muslims. According to the Quran, the misfortunes at Ohod, largely due to the negligence of the archers at rear guard abandoning their post in order to seek booty, were partly a punishment and partly a test for steadfastness. The Quranic verses provided inspiration and hope to the Muslims. They were not demoralized and the battle reinforced the solidarity between them.
Site of Ghazwah al-Ahzab (Battle of the Trench). Also known as Ghazwa-e-Khandaq. The battle was a fortnight-siege of Medina by Arab and Jewish tribes. The strength of nonbelievers was 10,000 men, while the Muslims numbered 3,000. The battle began on March 31, 627. The outnumbered Muslims led by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), dug a trench, which together with Medina’s natural fortifications, rendered the pagan confederates useless, locking the two sides in a stalemate. The confederates tried to convince the Medina-allied Benu Quraidha to attack the city from the south but the Prophet’s diplomacy undid the talks and broke up the confederacy against him. The well-entrenched Muslims, the crumbling of confederate morale, and poor weather conditions caused the siege to end in a failure for the pagan confederates.
Entrance of Mecca -Mecca Gate on Jeddah-Mecca Highway
Another Photo of Entry Gate of Mecca
Mecca at Night. 1,972 feet (601 metres) tall building Abraj Al Bait Towers with a big clock is visible at the background. This tall building is across the street from the Masjid al-Haram.The Towers are the 2nd tallest building in the world.
Aerial Photo of Ka’ba
Aerial View of Mecca
An Old Picture of Ka’ba
A View of Ka’ba & Mecca City
Masjid al-Haram
A View of Ka’ba with Abraj Al Bait Towers at the Background
Abraj Al Bait Towers & the Clock
Bird’s Eye View of Mecca City from Abraj Al Bait Towers
Scene of Ka’ba from the Top of Abraj Al Bait Towers
Ka’ba in the Centre. Is this heavy contingent of police for some royal visitor?
Ka’ba at Night
Ka’ba During Rain
Ka’ba in Heavy Rain
Ka’ba During Downpour
A Man Praying in Masjid Al Haram
A Rare Scene of Ka’ba
A Rare Picture of Ka’ba
Ka’ba in Old Days
Old Picture of Ka’ba
The Valley of Mina. Mina (Also known as the Tent City) is situated 5 kms to the east of Mecca. There are more than 100,000 air-conditioned tents which provide temporary accommodation to pilgrims. In the Valley of Mina is the Jamarat Bridge, the location of the Stoning of the Devil ritual. At the start of Hajj, pilgrims go to Mina on 8th of Dhul-hija and spend their first night there. Their next night stay is at Muzdalfa and then next two nights stay is again in Mina.
Another Photo of Tents at Mina
People Relaxing Inside a Tent at Mina
Masid Al Khaif at Mina
Another Photo of Masjid Al Khaif, Mina. Photo by Irfan Hashmi at flickr (from Yahoo).
The Plain of Arfat. Arfat is a vast open ground where the largest gathering of Muslims takes place every year on 9th of Dhul-hija. It is called Waqoof of Arfat (the stay in Arfat). Muslims offer two combined prayers here under one Athan on Hajj Day. The qasar (shortened) prayers of Dhuhr and Asr are offered here jointly just after concluding Khtuba of Hajj. Hajj is actually the name of Wuqoof of Arfat and there is no substitute or penalty (damm) if someone does not attend the stay of Arfat. Penalty(damm) may be given against other Hajj elements but Wuqoof Arfat is essential. At Arfat pilgrims spend their time glorifying Allah, repeating the supplication, repenting to Allah and asking Him for forgiveness.
Masjid Nimra. Masjid Nimra is situated in Arfat. Here Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) delivered the last historic sermon (Khutba) of Hajj. Every year on 9th Zihija, Hajj Khutba is delivered from this mosque. Only two salats are offered in this mosque during a year.
On Haj day, the 9th of Dhul-hija, Dhuhr and Asr prayers are offered jointly by pilgrims. During Hajj it is very difficult for every pilgrim to reach here but in other days, the mosque remains empty and might be seen easily. Its courtyard area remains open for nawafil prayers but inner hall remains closed.
Wuqoof at Muzdalifah. Muzdalifah is an open, level area near Mecca associated with the Hajj. It lies just southeast of Mina on the route between Mina and Arafat. Each year on the 9th day of the Islamic month of Dhul-Hijja, after the wuqoof at Arafat, pilgrims leave for Muzdalifah after sunset. They offer Maghrib and Isha prayers together at Muzdalifah. At Muzdalifah they collect pebbles which will be thrown in the Stoning of the Devil ritual in Mina during the next three days. The pilgrims spend the night at Muzdalifah, praying and sleeping in the open. They leave for Mina the next morning. The Wuqoof of Muzdalifah is Wajib and missing it makes a penalty (damm) compulsory.
Stoning of the Jamarat at Mina. From Muzdalifah, the pilgrims come to Mina for Stoning of the Jamarat or Stoning of the Devil. They fling pebbles at three walls, called Jamarat. The stoning is performed on the day of Eid al-Adha, and two or three days after. Until 2004 the three Jamarat were tall pillars. After the 2004 Hajj, Saudi authorities replaced the pillars with 26 m (85 ft) long walls for safety. The names of three jamarat are: the smallest jamrah (al-jamrah al-Sughra), the middle jamrah (al-jamrah al-wusta), and the largest jamrah or Jamrah of Aqaba (al-jamrah al-kubra).
Another View of Jamart at Mina
Entrance of Hira Cave. Hira Cave is located ot Jabal al Noor (The Mountain of Light). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received his first revelation from Allah through the angel Jubrael while he was in Hira Cave.
Jabal-al-Noor where Cave of Hira is Located. Pilgrims are visiting Hira Cave.
Cave of Hira in Relation to Ka’ba. Photo taken from Jabal-al Noor near the Cave of Hira (Ghaar-e-Hira). Hazy picture of Ka’ba, Masjid al Haram is also seen.
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