Molana Sheikh Abdul Jalil Nawee

Islam is  the fastest growing religion in the world. It is mostly due to higher birth rate as well as rising number of converts year after year. Research has predicted, Islam will surpass Christianity in a few decades, and will become the largest religion in the world, Alhumdolillah. While our religion is expanding, the hate crimes in the western hemisphere are continuously increasing. In USA amid surge of anti-Muslim proposals, our men are victim of discrimination, where as our women in Hijab are facing brunt of hatred and prejudices. A focus is warranted to unite all American Muslims, men and women, on one platform and under one  umbrella irrespective of their sect, color or origin. Unity will strengthen our position, socially and politically, and will give us a voice and recognition as a  Muslim group. Unity could bring back our lost respect and prestige, and will enable Muslim women to walk once again to college or work with their utmost pride. It will also help us in guiding our youth and future generations to live together friendly and peacefully. Our goal, though highly ambitious, can not be achieved overnight. Even though there are differences among Muslim groups, yet the common goal of Unity is however achievable if we work hard towards Awakening, Action Planning, and Implementation over a longer term.

Imam Khomenie who followed the preaching of the Twelve Imams has already set up an example that “unity is strength” by uniting Iranian people to bring in Islamic rule in Iran.

This book ” Shia Islam At A Glance”  includes brief life history of the Twelve Imams, which I hope, could be an important guide to achieve a strong motivation to unite all fellow Muslims in America.

 JazakAllah Alkhaira.

(Source “Shia Islam At A Glance”, Page 7)

Burtonsville,                                    Sheikh Abdul Jalil Nawee

Maryland                                               18 Zil-Hijja, 1437 AH