Entries by ali


Main Sources for this chapter:

1. Al‑Saadiq and the Four Madh’habs, Asad Haidar.
2. Fiqh Al-Sunnah, Syed Saabiq.
3. Fiqh Imam Ja’far Al-Saadiq, Muhammad J. Maghniya.

Treatise of Madh’habs

As the Islamic world branched out into Shi’a and Sunni, the basic understanding of Islam continued to be identical to all schools of thought. The Shi’a adhered to Imam Ali’s explanation of the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh), they were named Al‑Khaassah, الخــاصـه meaning the elite, the distinctive, or the special, but such a name was generic. It was after the 12th Imam (Al-Mahdi المهدى ) went into major occultation that the Shi’a became (specifically) known as the twelvers, Ithna Ashari اثـنــا عـشـــرى , or Ja’fari الجـعـفـــرى.


May we express our everlasting thanks to Allah for His Guidance and for granting us the love of His Messenger Muhammad (pbuh) and the devotion to his Sunnah!  Our gratitude is to Allah for making it possible to present this works to be of service to the Ummah. This book comes in four sections, each is about a fascinating side of the Muslim heritage; be it Shi’i or Sunni.  The intention of this works is to give a concise but somewhat comprehensive account of the two sides. Briefly said this book comes in the following format: